There is a lot of overwhelming information going around about COVID-19. IMAA is taking all precautions to prevent the spread and encourages everyone to follow protocols as outlined by Olmsted County Public Health (OCPH), Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Although our lobby is closed to the public, we are continuing to provide services over the phone. If you have a question or need assistance through one of our programs, do not hesitate to reach out.
Below is current information about COVID-19. We will do our best to keep all information up to date.

New COVID-19 Testing Locations and Guidelines
Testing is no longer taking place at Graham Park. Testing moved indoors and you must schedule an appointment before getting a test. If you are an OMC or Mayo Clinic patient, call the designated numbers listed on the flyer below. If you do not have insurance, call the Mayo Clinic number on the flyer.
Governor Walz announced new restrictions that will take place until further notice.

Case Interviews and Contact Tracing
Case Interviews and Contact Tracing – English
Case Interviews and Contact Tracing – Arabic
Case Interviews and Contact Tracing – Somali
Case Interviews and Contact Tracing – Anuak
Case Interviews and Contact Tracing – Amharic
Rochester Public Schools – information about online learning, childcare, and breakfast and lunch meals in the message that pops up
Community Food Response – The Exchange is open M, W, and F from 5pm-6pm
Family Service Rochester Grocery Shopping Service – Homebound individuals because of illness, physically isolating, or quarantine
Mental Health
Crisis Response: 1-844-274-7472 or text MN to 741741
Minnesota Area Agency on Aging
Senior Linkage Line: 1-800-333-2433
Three Rivers Community Action – Accepting applications for energy assistance
Olmsted County Family Support and Assistance (OCFSA) – Applications for SNAP, cash assistance, emergency assistance, MFIP/DWP, child care, GA
Additional Community Resources
United Way 2-1-1 Call 211 to be connected to local organizations and resources
Olmsted County GPS: 507-328-6325
Victim Services
24-7 Crisis Hotline: 507 289-0636
Women’s Shelter 24-7 Crisis Line: 507-285-1010
Updates on the Coronavirus
Minnesota Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
John Hopkins Coronavirus Global Map
City of Rochester Hotline: 507-328-2822
Open Monday-Sunday, 9AM-9PM, to answer COVID-19 related questions about efforts and resources
Have questions? Contact us today!
If you need an interpreter, please complete the interpreter request form found at the top of this page under "Request an Interpreter"
Get In Touch
2500 Valleyhigh Drive NW
Rochester, MN, 55901
Phone: (507) 289-5960
Fax: (507) 289-6199
Business Hours:
Monday - 8:30am-5pm
Tuesday - 10:00am-5pm
Wednesday - 8:30am-5pm
Thursday - 8:30am-5pm
Friday - 8:30am-5pm
Saturday and Sunday - Closed